How To File A Claim For Sexual Harassment At the Workplace


Sexual harassment in the workplace call makes the work environment hostile, intimidating, or offensive. No sexual conduct is welcomed anywhere, let alone in the workplace. As a result, sexual harassment results from repeated offensive jokes in a workplace full of offensive pornography. 

Any employee encountering sexual harassment should pursue legal action against the harasser by consulting a Sexual Harassment attorney virginia. While many people may think that sexual harassment only happens to women by men, it can still happen to men, women, gays, and straight. 

If you are a working professional, it would be in your best interest to know how you can file a claim for sexual harassment at work. 

Process of filing a claim for sexual harassment at the workplace:

  •  Complaint 

The first step after encountering sexual harassment is to complain about the incident. Complaints should be prioritized if the harasser does not stop after the confrontation. Your company will likely have an employee handbook, manual, or personnel policies stating sexual harassment. 

Once you find the handbook or manual, you should follow what is stated. If there is no such thing, you should ask your superiors and file a complaint in the human resources or personnel department. It is mandatory to file a complaint as the U.S. Supreme Court has said that any employee who fails to make the company aware of the incident will not be allowed to hold the company liable. 

  • Documentation

It is necessary to document what has happened to you in case there is a need to prove your case to a company investigator, a jury, or a government agency. You can start by collecting detailed evidence like offensive letters, photographs, notes, or cards you received before sexual harassment. 

It would help if you collected any cartoons or pin-ups made to make you uncomfortable. You are free to take down any obnoxious photo or joke posted about you as it is not anyone else’s personal property. You should also contain copies of performance evaluations and other important documents. 

  • Government agencies and EEOC

The next step is to file a complaint with a government or federal agency in case it does not work with the employer. The sexual harassment victim must file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) before filing a federal lawsuit against the harasser. 

  • Legal assistance 

The sexual harassment victim should also consult a Virginia lawyer to ensure they follow the correct procedure for a sexual harassment claim. The lawyer can ensure that the victim has filed a complaint with their superiors, government or federal agencies, and the EEOC. Lastly, an attorney might be able to help the victim in seeking a fair claim from the harasser. 

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